Monday, November 19, 2012

iPads, Video, PE and Blogs!

Anne Wenstrom has been using her teacher iPad to video each of her students doing ‘crunches’. Each video was then uploaded to her YouTube Channel with a few clicks.

The students in her Grade 5 classes have embedded their video into their blogs and reflected on their technique. They will upload additional fitness videos and identify if their technique has improved.

You can use the video feature of your iPad to quickly capture and upload videos of your students working. This is fantastic if you can capture evidence of a student working on one of their goals.

Monday, November 12, 2012

SAS MS Demo Slam

In September, the Google Apps for Education Singapore Summit team hosted a Demo Slam where people took three minutes each to wow the audience with a new tool or idea. It was high energy fun and the perfect way to end a successful Google Summit.

This month, we decided to hold our own mini demo slam at the middle school faculty meeting to share some of our learning from the previous months. Nine teachers presented 60 second summaries of something they've found useful lately. Some are productivity tech tips and some are helpful teaching ideas. Feedback from other teachers is that it was interesting, helpful, fun, and they want more! Have a look through our slides to see the tools we presented. Don't miss 8th grade science teacher Bill Hoffman singing the praises of Flubaroo.